Getting Started

Getting started with Rhyno and Myki.

Add a card

Tap the "add a card" or + button to get started. You will see two options on this screen.

1. a – Scan a card

This is the quickest way to get your card saved in to Rhyno. Tap Scan a Card to turn on your iPhone's card scanner. While it is active, hold your card close to your phone. (we find that near the top works best) You will see a tick and feel a haptic when the scan is successful.

1. b – Enter a number

Optionally, you can type a number instead. Rhyno will pre-fill the first numbers of your Myki card so you only need to type in the last 9 digits. When your number is entered, tap Continue.

2. Save the card

After checking the card you added in step 1, tap the Save This Card button at the bottom of the screen to add it to Rhyno.

You no longer need a Myki Account to use Rhyno

In the past, Rhyno needed to use a PTV account to sign in. Since we released version 2, this is no longer required.

If Rhyno is asking you to sign in, then we suggest updating to the Latest version of Rhyno.

Further Reading

Last updated 30 Oct 2021